Hello World!

An introduction into my blog plans.

Welcome to my first blog entry! Many folks have been inquiring about the things I've been working on, whether this ranges from my server adventures with Unraid, or my glass tube water cooling experiments, I am constantly willing to dive into new topics and technologies to expand my knowledge. This blog will be my journal in sharing with everyone my experiences so that hopefully, those exact same mistakes can be avoided.

Starting with the blog itself: I am using Strapi as my backend and NextJS as my frontend. Combining with these 2 technologies, I am compiling all of my NextJS code into static HTML which I host on github pages! That does present a problem if you wish to interact with me, so please feel free to reach out to me via twitter!

I hope you will join me in this journey as we navigate this world together that is quickly evolving day by day.

Updated on: 10/18/2021