About me!

My name is Justin Chu and I'm a full stack developer working as a development manager at Bell. I have over 10 years worth of experience that varies from working with big corporations to small businesses. I am in love with learning new technologies constantly and looking to find ways to adapt what I learn into the tech that I work with on a daily basis.

During my regular day, I work a lot with Microsoft technologies such as C#, ASP.NET MVC, Internet Information Services (IIS), Team Foundation Server (TFS) and a variety of in-house proprietary software. In my own spare time, I delve into the open-source world where I develop on a Ubuntu Virtual Machine playing around with React, NextJS, NodeJS, Python, Django, AWS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and so much more.

When I'm not working on software, I love tinkering with hardware. This includes making water cooled computers, repurposing an old Super Micro server into a personal home NAS drive, and playing around with networking equipment to make sure I have the best internet performance possible. I have often found that being good at your craft is important but gaining a big picture perspective can really help reaching out to different types of people to make your software more inclusive to different scenarios.